Post Date: 17/03/2022

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO TO JOIN THIS CHALLENGE – celebrating April Jazzification
Perform any Trinity College London listed exam repertoire which has a jazzy feel, for example:
ACOUSTIC GUITAR Grade 8 – Night & Day
PIANO Grade 6 – Jazzin’ Grace
PIANO Grade 7 – Soho
PIANO Grade 8 – Blue Air
and others
Step 2: Video yourself.
Step 3: Upload your video on your Facebook timeline and set the post to PUBLIC.
Step 4: Make sure your post has your FULL name, title of work and composer / song writer. You do not need to talk or introduce yourself – just PLAY….it forward!
Step 5: Put the hashtags in your post:
This challenge is part of the April Jazzification campaign from 1 to 30 April ONLY.